
Manage Features - Platinum Plan

From here, you can manage content for all the features of this subscription plans on your website.

Feature 1

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 2

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 3

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 4

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 5

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 6

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 7

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 8

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 9

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 10

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 11

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 12

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 13

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 14

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

Feature 15

Enter the description of this feature.

Enter the hint text. [A question-mark icon will be shown to display this text on mouse-over of the icon.]

Enter the font icon.

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